How to fix SUD and LE / LE1 error on Samsung washing machine
Causes and how to fix SUD and LE / LE1 errors – The washing machine can display a SUD and LE / LE1 error code to notify the user that there has been damage or dysfunction of one of the components of the washing machine. The way the washing machine raises the error code is with the help of sensor sensors contained in the program in the control module that has been designed in such a way by the manufacturer.
Cause SUD errors appear due to too much foam. Too much soap so that excess soap foam, sometimes you just need to let the machine work alone to reduce the foam and will run normally again.
While the cause of LE or LE1 is caused by too much foam detergent, the filter cover at the drain pump or drying is released, or there is a water leak occurring in the drain hose. LE or LE1 errors can also be caused by detecting a water leak in the unit or too little water when washing.

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How to fix SUD and LE / LE1 error on Samsung washer
SUD errors and LE or LE1 errors are indeed different causes, so how to fix is also different, read the following explanation to face the problem.
- To fix SUD errors, try reducing detergent first and make sure you have used a compatible detergent specifically for front loading. or you can wait for the washing machine to reduce the foam by itself.
- As for the LE / LE1 error, please check if there is a leak in your washing machine, if not, you can reduce the amount of detergent like when fixing SUD error, then, please turn it off and restart your washing activity.
That’s just how to fix SUD and LE / LE1 errors, hopefully, it can be useful to those of you who experience this error problem. Have a nice day !!