How to fix 1E, HC, LC / LC1, and UB error codes
How to fix 1E, HC, LC / LC1, and UB error codes (Samsung) – The type of Samsung washing machine is very much so that the error code is very much also the following we write errors in general, it should be noted that different types sometimes have the same error code but different solutions and sometimes different types have different error codes but have the same solution.
To find out the cause and how to fix the error in the Samsung washing machine, especially error 1E, HC, LC / LC1, and UB, I have summarized it in this article, please refer to the explanation, causes, and how to resolve these errors.
There must be many who don’t know or ask questions about the error codes on the Samsung brand washing machine. Now after getting the info, I tried to share it so that everyone knows the meaning of the error code on the Samsung washing machine along with the explanation. For more details, see the tablet error code below:

read also: How to fix 4C/4C2, 4E, 5C, and OE/OF error on Samsung washing machine
How to fix 1E, HC, LC / LC1, and UB error codes on Samsung Washer
Error 1E – Error code caused by the water level sensor, follow this step to fix it:
- Make sure the water supply hose is not clogged with foreign material.
- Make sure the water supply hose is not pinched or folded so that it clogs the supply of water to the washing machine.
- Make sure the water supply hose is not separated from the water source or water tap
Note: If the obstacles are still not resolved, we recommend contacting the Samsung Call Center.
Error HC – An error code caused by Heater Control, follow this step to fix it:
- Clean the filter container or condenser.
Error LC / LC1 – Error codes that caused by drain hose, follow this step to fix it:
- Make sure the end of the drain hose is placed on the floor
- Make sure the drain hose is not blocked
Note: When the washing machine displays the LC code, the washing machine drains for 3 minutes. During this time the Power button does not work.
Error UB – Code error is caused by spinning not working, follow this step to fix it:
- Make sure the laundry is spread evenly
- Make sure the washing machine is on a flat and stable surface
- Redistribute the load. If only one item of clothing needs to be washed, the final round result may not be satisfactory, and the “UB” check message will appear on the screen.