How to fix UE error on Samsung washing machine
Samsung washing machines are equipped with the latest independent diagnostic systems. Analyzing the status of individual nodes and interrogating sensors, they independently determine system malfunctions. If an error is detected on the indicator (for this case is UE error), the code will be displayed. You should Know the meaning of these codes. For example, the UE error in the Samsung washing machine shows an unbalanced drum.
If washing is interrupted by an error, this does not mean that the Samsung washing machine has fatal damage. This means that Stylalka tries to protect itself, telling us that it would be better to take steps to improve and fix the situation. Let’s see what should be done in this case and how to get rid of annoying mistakes.
If the Samsung washing machine issues a UE error, that means an imbalance has appeared on its drum which threatens the health and integrity of the unit. If you do not take steps to fix this situation, it is possible to gradually develop more serious malfunctions. This is what causes imbalance:
- For details of tank suspension and drums, strong springs are used to hold them.
- For cracks in the tank – it can hit the wall and explode.
- To damage other nodes – engines, bearings, sensors and much more.
Balance violations and the emergence of UE errors in Samsung washing machines often occur at the beginning of the spin cycle – at this point, beating can be fatal issues. This looks like this in the following way: The Samsung washing machine starts to rotate the drum, and after reaching a certain rotation, stop to start overclocking again.

How to fix UE error on Samsung washer
There are several possible problems that occur in the washing machine include this UE error, it looks like your washing machine is not standing steady. If the position is not the source of the problem, there can also be laundry that clots. If so, stop the washing process first, remove the laundry from the Samsung machine, then enter it one by one.
If the laundry load is unstable, like mentioned before, remove the laundry and re-enter it evenly, if washing a large towel or big wearable clothes, you should add another laundry load with the equivalent weight as a counterweight provided to avoid UE error on your washing machine.